Cross-institutional study

The University of Oulu is involved in several cross-institutional networks. Cross-institutional studying means that you can take studies from other universities. The right to study is based on agreements between universities.

Cross-institutional study networks

Animal physiology education network offers cross-institutional studies between the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Oulu.

Biodiversity education network of Finnish universities offers courses related to biodiversity now and in the future. The courses are offered as a joint effort of the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Helsinki, the University of Oulu, the University of Turku and the University of Jyväskylä.

Climate University offers climate and sustainability themed courses free of charge.

Co-op Network Studies (CNS) offers multidisciplinary, web-based minor subject courses and modules related to the co-operative sector and social economy.

Digital Commerce offer seven 5 - 6 cr courses for the students of participating universities and all open university students. The courses are offered completely online as a joint effort by five Finnish universities.

Doctoral training network. Doctoral courses listed in website are available to all doctoral researchers that have a doctoral study right in one of the following Finnish partner universities: Aalto University, Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan, University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä, University of Lapland, LUT University, University of Oulu, Tampere University, University of Turku, University of Vaasa, and Åbo Akademi.

Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences minor studies are offered as a joint effort of the University of Lapland and University of Oulu.

Evolutionary Psychology minor studies, 25cr are available for psychology degree students in the University of Oulu. The studies are provided by the University of Turku.

FIN-GEO Cross-institutional Study Network. Through the network, can students in geosciences (or related study fields) from the partner universities complete undergraduate or postgraduate studies. The network includes the geosciences related study programmes in the following universities: Aalto University, University of Helsinki, University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University, and Oulu Mining School at the University of Oulu.

Finland Futures Academy (FFA) is a network of 9 Finnish universities. The network provides courses related to futures studies and research.

FITech Network University offers selected studies from all technical universities in Finland. FITech offers university courses free of charge for degree students and adult learners.

LITO - Basic business studies offer eight 5 cr courses for the students of participating universities. The courses are offered completely online as a joint effort by ten Finnish universities. The studies are targeted for other than business students.

Multidisciplinary Sustainability studies network offers courses that include environment, sustainability, and responsibility themes. Its courses can be studied by degree and exchange students and doctoral researchers of the network’s member universities. The Sustainability studies network includes eight higher education institutions.

Oulu University of Applied Sciences has a agreement for cross-institutional studies with the University of Oulu.

UNIC is a university alliance of ten European universities. UNIC’s objective is to increase mobility, inclusion and impact in diverse societies. The UNIC partner universities offer virtual courses for students from various fields.

YUNET – Finnish University Network for Youth Studies is a cooperation project between five higher eduction units and the Finnish Youth Research Society. YUNET complements and strengthens youth studies education nationally by coordinating and organizing Bachelor’s level courses for the students of its member organizations.

How to apply?

Instructions for students in the University of Oulu: Applying for cross-institutional studies in partner Universities

Step by step:

  1. Check what studies are available from the network catalog (see below) and update your personal study plan (PSP).
  2. Make sure you are able to include the studies to your degree. Cross-institutional studies must be included in your personal study plan (PSP). Create a pre-application in Peppi for the cross-institutional studies you are planning to complete. Instructions can be found here.
  3. Apply for the studies according to the network's instructions (see network specific instructions below).
  4. Register to courses as instructed.
  5. Enjoy the studies!
  6. After you have completed your cross-institutional studies and have received assessment in study registry, print your transcript of records from the partner University's Peppi or retrieve a link to them from My Studyinfo-service (Oma Opintopolku). There is a two-day delay in transferring the records from the target university's registry to My Studyinfo.
  7. After you have received the transcript apply for recognition of learning based on your pre-application. Instructions can be found here.

Instructions for doctoral researchers in the University of Oulu

Cross-institutional studies are added as personal study units to Peppi’s personal study plan. Instructions can be found here.

Instructions for students from other universities: Applying for cross-institutional studies in the University of Oulu

Step by step:

  1. Check what studies are available and update your study plan. From the Cross-institutional Studies Study Guide you can find the University of Oulu's cross-institutional study offering for the academic year 2022-2023.
  2. Make sure you are able to include the studies to your degree in your home institution.
  3. Submit the application for cross-institutional studies. The application form can be found here. Notice that the processing of your application takes approximately 1-3 weeks.
  4. Follow the instruction e-mails that you received. Register to courses as instructed.
  5. Enjoy the studies!
  6. After you have completed your cross-institutional studies and have received assessment, print your transcript of records from the University of Oulu's Peppi. See the instructions of you home University for transferring the records into your registry.

Network specific instructions