Discover your way to study languages

Most of the language and communication studies include classroom sessions. There are however other ways to study languages.

Classroom sessions

Most of the language and communication studies include contact sessions. The sessions are in small groups, not mass lectures. Attendance is required, usually 80-100%. In the course descriptions in Peppi, you can see what the objectives and methods are for each course. Be aware that 1 credit means 27 hours of work and usually 1 credit will include 13 contact hours.

Languages and communication require active use of language and learning requires interaction. Learning and using languages is a skill and the teacher is there to support you in developing your skills. Progression and improving proficiency from a beginner's level to higher levels requires a lot of work and interaction with others using the same language.

In the studies of the Languages and Communication Unit you will be learning and developing skills for your academic studies and working life. It is important to remember to join your sessions on time as this shows respect for others. In our courses you will gain comprehensive academic and practical skills and knowledge, for example giving presentations and written communication. In the contact sessions the focus is on speaking and getting support for communication. In verbal communication it is important that your message is understood and you are able to communicate fluently. The more you communication, the more your skills will develop. So take it easy and open your verbal treasure trove in any language you like!

Self-study, online courses and study groups


In the courses of the Languages and Communication Unit you can often hear the term blended learning. This means that a part of the studies are self-study, a part are in contact sessions with a teacher and a part might be in study groups. Various methods are blended together to create the right mix of methods for optimal learning.

With self-study methods you may for example prepare yourself for the next session by doing homework. Or you might complete an entire course online. You might be assigned a package of objectives and tasks which possibly include grammar, texts, listening comprehension or writing tasks. You might be assigned additional tasks if you feel you are making good progress and you want to maximize your opportunity to learn and achieve higher levels. You may also be assigned extra tasks to be allowed the opportunity to review forgotten elements so that you do not fall behind.

Online courses

Online courses are an alternative to courses with contact sessions. More and more courses have online options but please be aware that not all courses have an online option. Some online courses may have a final exam which is invigilated in a classroom. You can register for online courses in WebOodi and Tuudo and you can see the online courses in Finnish, Swedish and English below.

Study Groups

Many courses require participation in study groups. But in addition to this, it is possible for students to create their very own study groups. By creating a study group, you can study and learn together with your friends. Learning is interactive and you can teach one another and by doing so you will learn the most! You can develop your group work and teamwork skills and be with friends at the same time. The optimal study group size is three to six students.

Tandem-studies ja Café Lingua

Meet people, learn languages and earn credits in a casual way!

European Framework CEFR