Legislation for languages

Why is the Swedish language included in degree programs?

The official languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish. The Constitution guarantees that every Finnish-speaking person has the right to interact with authorities in their mother tongue. The same right is guaranteed to Finnish Swedish-speaking natives as well. Governmental employees as well as municipal employees must be able to communicate in both languages.
Language legislation mandates that graduates from universities and universities of applied sciences must demonstrate mandated adequate competence in both official languages.

Comprehensive Education language of instruction

In brief, students whose language of comprehensive education is Finnish or Swedish must meet the above described mandated competence in both languages in their Bachelors degree. The mandated level is in compliance with (424/2003) 6 §:n 1 moment. This level is required for all the following employees: governmental, municipal, independent public departments, parliament offices as well as presidential offices. Each degree must list this competence in a separate notation. If the comprehensive education of a student was conducted in Finnish, the student must achieve the mandated level in the second official language which in this case is Swedish. If the comprehensive education of a student was conducted in Swedish, the student must achieve the mandated level in the second official language which in this case is Finnish.

If a student has completed this requirement in a prior degree of another Finnish university, the completed requirement can be transferred if the completed course matches the course requirements demanded in the current degree program. Use the OT (osaamisen tunnustaminen) procedure for the recognition of learning.

The laws and regulations are listed below.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta ( 424/2003 )


Valtioneuvoston asetus suomen ja ruotsin kielen taidon osoittamisesta valtionhallinnossa ( 481/2003 ).


Kielilaki (423/2003)


Valtioneuvoston asetus kielilain täytäntöönpanosta (433/2004)
