Permanent Renouncement of Study Right

You may choose to renounce your study right if you wish. The renouncement is binding, and you will not be able to continue your studies in the program from which you have renounced your study right. Your study right can only be regained through the normal student admission procedure.

Permanent Renouncement of Study Right

You will be considered to have renounced your study right starting from the date of submission of the renouncement request. By renouncing your study right, you will lose your membership in the Student Union and any student social benefits associated with that study right. The renouncement notice will be registered in the study register and forwarded to the Student Union.

Renouncement of study right is applied in eForms system.

Select the eForms form “Renouncement of right to study” when you are renouncing one of the listed levels of study rights below.

  • Lower degree + higher degree (The student has been admitted to a degree programme consisting of both Bachelor's and Master's level study right, and the student renounces the study rights, both study rights are renounced.)
  • Higher degree
  • Doctoral degree
  • Other study right (for example, a separate study module)

If you already hold a Bachelor's degree and are proceeding to higher degree studies, select the eForms form "Renouncement of right to study for a lower university degree". Please attach the Bachelor's degree certificate and the Master's degree personal study plan (PSP) to the application.