University of Oulu Association

The purpose of the University of Oulu Association is to promote the social relations and fundraising of the University of Oulu and to support the alumni activities of the University of Oulu.
The association promotes interaction between the University of Oulu and those who studied and worked there, promotes students' study opportunities in cooperation with the university and the communities operating within the university, and nurtures and develops the academic traditions of the University of Oulu.
University of Oulu Association annually names the Alumni of the Year from among graduates from the University of Oulu. This annual nomination started in 1999 when the association nominated the President Martti Ahtisaari as Alumni of the Year 1999.
The association is administrated by the board, which includes nine to twelve members elected by the annual meeting for three years at a time. The annual meeting annually elects the chairman and vice chairman from among the board members.
Board members 2023
Alumni relations coordinators Riitta Arffman, University of Oulu
Deputy Region Mayor Markus Erkkilä, Council of Oulu Region
Manager of Upper secondary and Adult education Pekka Fredriksson, City of Oulu
Secretary General Kauko Keskisärkkä, Student Union of the University of Oulu
Professor Tiina Kinnunen, University of Oulu
Chief Librarian (emerita) Päivi Kytömäki
Architect SAFA Pekka Laatio
CEO Satu Lapinlampi
Professor emeritus Kalevi Mursula, University of Oulu
Rector Jouko Niinimäki, University of Oulu
Director of the Extension School Eva Maria Raudasoja, University of Oulu
Associate Professor Ville-Valtteri Visuri, University of Oulu
Chairman: Director of the Extension School Eva Maria Raudasoja
Vice Chairman: Associate Professor Ville-Valtteri Visuri

University of Oulu Association is a registered association with perpetual membership based on a permanent membership fee and annual membership based on an annual fee.
Membership fees
- annual membership 25 €/yr
- permanent membership 500 €
- Organization and community membership 200 €/yr
Membership fees are paid to Association's account: FI23 1107 3000 6064 04
Join as a member
Sakari Jussi-Pekka
Tel. +358 44 985 9010