Women’s health study (WENDY) - a protocol of a population-based study assessing gynecological and metabolic health in women

Several common gynecological conditions are poorly recognized in the health care due to lack of knowledge and resources. Moreover, some women are reluctant to report their symptoms due to social or cultural aspects. The Women’s health study (WENDY) includes a population sample of 1918 women and explores gynecological and overall health in women in their mid-thirties.

Data Resource Profile

Majority of the study participants were female members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC) 1986, a population-based birth cohort originally including 9432 live newborns (4567 girls) in the Northern Finland area between July 1985 and June 1986. Invitations were sent to 4292 women, from whom 1544 participated (36%). The WENDY population was also expanded to a randomly selected 1112 women born in the Northern Finland area between August 1986 and December 1987. From these women 374 participated (34%).

The WENDY data included a broad clinical examination, including several different measurements by study nurses and gynecologists, biological samples, ultrasound examinations as well as vast range of question and validated questionnaires on gynecological and reproductive history, physical and mental health, quality of life, lifestyle, life situation, health awareness and opinions. The WENDY data can also be linked to the Finnish national registers and to the earlier birth cohort data collected in the NFBC1986.

WENDY provides a unique and comprehensive data source that can be broadly utilized to gain deeper insight into women's health at reproductive age, gynecological diseases and symptoms and to improve collaborations and women's health worldwide.

Piltonen TT, Ohtamaa M, Arffman RK, Vuokila L, Hurskainen E, Männikkö M, Huilaja L, Sinikumpu SP, Rautio T, Kilpivaara K, Jokelainen J, Kiviniemi E, Pinola P, Törnävä M, Komsi E, Kangasniemi MH, Rajecki M, Luiro K, Kinnunen J, Savukoski SM. Women's health study (WENDY) - a protocol of a population-based study assessing gynecological and metabolic health in women in their mid-30s. Am J Epidemiol. 2024 Aug 3:kwae230. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwae230.

Contact information and research group

Contact Information

Principal investigator Professor Terhi Piltonen

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oulu University Hospital, Research Unit of ClinicalMedicine, Medical Research Center, University of Oulu, Terhi.Piltonen(at)oulu.fi

Research group

Riikka Arffman, Marika Kangasniemi, Jenni Kinnunen, Pekka Pinola, Susanna Savukoski, Lotta Vuokila

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oulu University Hospital, Research Unit of ClinicalMedicine, Medical Research Center, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland

Laura Huilaja, Suvi-Päivikki Sinikumpu

  • Department of Dermatology, Oulu University Hospital, Research Unit of Clinical Medicine, MedicalResearch Center, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland

Tero Rautio, Katariina Kilpivaara

  • Department of Surgery, Oulu University Hospital, Research Unit of Translational Medicine, MedicalResearch Center, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland

Kaisu Luiro-Helve, Maria Rajecki

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Helsinki University Hospital, University of Helsinki,Helsinki, Finland

Material request

Instructions for NFBC material request process and portal and NFBC research plan template are available from

NFBC web site

WENDY variable catalogue is currently available only in Finnish. English version will be added later.

  • Use the latest version available from the web pages. Load and save the file on your computer.
  • Use the left panel -/+ to see the datasets and variables.
  • Use Variable name level for selections. Mark the selected variables of interest with 'x' in column named Choice.
  • Save the file and use as an attachment in Greip application process.
  • Do not modify, copy-paste, or do other modifications or filtering.