Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services

Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems, and Services (M3S) is a research unit focusing on the fundamental areas of Software Engineering Methods and Processes. Our research covers the entire professional software lifecycle, including technical and human aspects.

About M3S

M3S unit carries out research at a high international level and publishes widely in the top software engineering journals and conferences.

We research software-based systems and services with innovative applications in Automotive, Health and Wellness, and Cyber-Physical Systems. We utilize enabling technologies and platforms such as Artificial Intelligence, Edge/Cloud, IoT, Digital Twins, and 5G/6G Networks to achieve our research goals.

Our unit has very strong industry collaboration and a proven track record in making a high impact in industry. The group has a versatile portfolio of externally funded projects including Horizon Europe, ITEA, Academy of Finland, and Business Finland (former Tekes). M3S is responsible for software engineering teaching at Master's and Bachelor levels. The unit is producing a large number of PhD degrees.


In M3S, we carry out scientific research relevant to industry on professional software development approaches for new innovative systems and services.

Our wide domestic and international networks provide a solid basis for empirical research that has high quality academic impact and strong relevance for industry.

M3S has a long tradition in international collaboration and is a member of ISERN (our Director, Prof. Oivo, is one of the six founding members). M3S has been participating in large European research projects since the 1990’s.

According to the latest version of the Journal of Systems and Software survey: “A bibliometric assessment of software engineering themes, scholars and institutions (2013–2020)

  • In the top journals category University of Oulu is 2nd in Europe and 7th in the world.
  • M3S professors
    • Prof. Markku Oivo is 16th in the experienced category
    • Prof. Burak Turhan is 10th in the consolidator category
    • Assistant Professor (tenure track) Valentina Lenarduzzi is 19th in the early stage category

See our most recent publications (1 year) or 5 last years in SoleCris.

Professional Software Engineering Areas

Our research covers the entire professional software lifecycle, including both technical and human aspects.

Software Engineering Methods and Processes​

Software proce​sses

  • Agile, Lean, and beyond
  • Continuous integration, Continuous delivery, DevOps
  • Improvement and measurement

Software modernization

  • Software Refactoring
  • Technical Debt analysis and management
  • Architectural Refactoring and legacy
  • Architectural Assessment
  • Assessment for new technology adoption

Full lifecycle support

  • Requirements engineering
  • Novel testing with radical improvements
  • Software architectures, Micro-services, Cloud, Edge, IoT
  • Safety, Security, Privacy, and Trust

AI for SW Engineering & SW Engineering for AI

Human aspects in software development

Quantum computing

Software-Based Systems and Services

Innovative and intelligent applications. Main domains include:

  • Automotive
  • Health and Wellness
  • Cyber-Physical Systems and Embedded Systems

Enabling Technologies and Platforms

Our work utilizes and develops cutting-edge technologies such as:

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • 5G and 6G networks
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics
  • Cloud software
  • Digital Twins


The group has a versatile portfolio of externally funded projects including Horizon Europe, ITEA, Academy of Finland, and Business Finland (formerly Tekes).

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