Jaakko Simonen

Dr. Econ.
Associate professor (Tenure track)

Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance
Oulu Business School

Jaakko Simonen works as an associate professor at the Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance in Oulu Business School. His current research focuses on studying resilience at various levels (individual, organizational and regional), regional smart specialization, the inter-regional and inter-sectoral labour mobility, online labour markets and roles of the industrial structure and innovation ecosystem in regional growth. He is a leader of the Economic Resilience research team and the director of Doctoral programme in Oulu Business School.

For more information on the Economic Resilience research team's research, visit:


Research interests

  • Resilience at different levels, Labour mobility, Regional development, Arctic issues, Online labour markets

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Contact information



Visiting address

Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 1
90570 Oulu
(Door X, Linnanmaa campus)

Postal address

Oulu Business School
P.O. BOX 4600
FIN-90014 University of Oulu