Jarkko Saarinen

Jarkko Saarinen is a Professor of Human Geography and Leader of the Frontiers of Arctic and Global Resilience (FRONT) Programme, funded by the Research Council of Finland in the Profi7 initiative. FRONT aims to advance the existing frontiers of knowledge on the changes needed for resilience building, and to find solutions to the wicked problems of sustainability.
Jarkko's research interests include sustainable development, resilience, political ecology, tourism and development, tourism-community relations, tourism and climate change adaptation, community-based natural resource management and wilderness studies. He has been working extensively in the peripheral areas of the Arctic and southern African regions.
His recent publications include edited/co-edited/authored books: Handbook on Tourism Governance (2025, Elgar), Southern African Perspectives on Sustainable Tourism Management (2022, Springer), Climate Change and Tourism in Southern Africa (2022, Routledge), Tourism, Change and the Global South (Routledge, 2021); Tourism and sustainable development goals (Routledge, 2020), Resilient Destinations (2019, Routledge), Borderless Worlds for Whom? (2019, Routledge).
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Visiting address
Geography Research Unit/Room KE368-3
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Postal address
FI-90014 University of Oulu