Julia Zhang
Julia Zhang is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie early stage researcher (ESR 12) within the LNETN project. Her project expolres how human-centered personal data management can enable the emergance and legitimation of novel 21st century platform based business models. Considering the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that calls for giving citizens back control over their personal data, Julia explores how shift towards human-centered personal data management has influenced individuals and value-creation activites of the businesses and organizations.
Julia received her Msc in Business Administration and E-Business from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and Bsc in Economics and Business Administration with specialization in Business Management from University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. During her master studies, she has also spend 6 months at University of Lund in Sweden, studying the role and management of knowledge witin the organizations, creativity management and IT sustainability and development. Besides academia, Julia has experience in starting up and managing creative firms. She is passionate about e-commerce and digital marketing.

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