Klemetti Näkkäläjärvi
Postdoctoral Researcher
Cultural anthropology

Juvvá Lemet
I am a Saami researcher from Enontekiö, North Finland. I am a member of a reindeer Saami family. My research and professional interests are focused on Saami culture, language and livelihoods, environment, biodiversity, Arctic area, Climate Change and protection of traditional knowledge. During my professional history I have looked in to Saami Culture from various different aspects: as a Saami, as a politician, as a linguist, as a cultural anthropologist, as an administrator and as an association actor. This knowledge and understanding of the role of indigenous cultures in society, politics, and international law and in changing climate is unique.
I’ve been working seven years as the president of Finnish Saami parliament, which is highest political organ of the Saami people in Finland. During my post I have especially worked on matters concerning environmental protection, biodiversity, Arctic cooperation, Climate Change and protection of traditional knowledge of the Saami. I used latest scientific information on my work and adapted the scientific information to my professional work, to public presentations and statements.
Researcher information
Contact information
Visiting address
Faculty of Medicine
Kontinkangas Campus
Aapistie 5 B, 1st floor
Oulu, Finland
Postal address
PO Box 5000
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Internal address: 5CERH