Maija Lanas
PhD, Docent
Center for the study of society, philosophy and education
Teacher education, school and society
Faculty of Education and Psychology

Maija Lanas (PhD) is a Professor of education in the University of Oulu, the Department of Education, and a docent of teacher education in the University of Helsinki.
Maija's research is both empirical and theoretical, and looks at discourses in school. She looks at questions such as: what do we see as disturbance in school? What is the space we give to love in school? What kind of childhood and youth does teacher education produce?
Maija leads the research group SAFE (Social Justice at the Focus of Education), and supervises six PhD studies. The group supervises fifteen M.Ed-theses yearly.
She is the dean of the faculty of education and psychology.
Research interests
- teacher education
- childhood and youth in school
- disturbance
- discursive research
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