Oxana Gisca
Early Stage Researcher
Business Models
Oxana Gisca is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie early stage researcher within the LNETN project, with a research focus on revealing new mechanisms of how new industries & new business models emerge and gain legitimacy, and the impact of these processes on the industry and policy ecosystems. Oxana’s research, as part of the 'Legitimation of New Organizing Forms and New Practices', focuses on how adoption and legitimation of new innovations in virtual technology are achieved by moving beyond current frontiers of organizational practice, consumer experience, service delivery processes and social networking. More specifically, she will examine the role and nature of key future frontiers, such as 5G/6G or artificial intelligence, which new initiatives have to overcome and transcend beyond social or financial or organizational boundaries. Oxana received her MSc in Criminal Law at the University of the European Studies of Moldova. She has an extensive practical experience, has successfully managed teams and projects and has exercised leadership in her home country and at the European regional level,making important contribution to promoting financial integrity.
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