Piia Markkanen
Architect, MSc
Doctoral researcher
I have a master’s degree in Architecture and work as a doctoral researcher in Oulu School of Architecture. My doctoral research is focused on knowledge work environments, their design, and user-participation in the design and evaluation processes. The doctoral research studies were conducted in the InnoStaVa – Innovation supporting working environments in StartUp companies (PI, Dr Aulikki Herneoja, funded by ERDF). Currently, I am working in ActiveWorkSpace - Spatial Solutions for Environmental Satisfaction, Well-Being and Work Engagement in Activity-Based Offices Space, lighting and acoustics supporting flexible working and workspace choice (PI, Dr Aulikki Herneoja, funded by Academy of Finland) and will join Resistant Cities: Urban Planning as Means for Pandemic Prevention (RECIPE) consortium funded by Strategic Research Council by Academy of Finland in 2022 (PI, Professor Helka-Liisa Hentilä).
I also have a doctoral degree in Biochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. In my thesis, I studied the human delta-opioid receptor biosynthesis, N-linked glycosylation, and ER quality control.
Research interests
- workplace research
- workplace design
- design research
- participatory design
Researcher information
Researcher profiles

Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
90014 Oulun yliopisto
Postal address
Oulun yliopisto