Sabine Grasz
PhD, docent
University Lecturer
German language and culture

I work as a University lecturer in German language and culture at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oulu. I teach basic, intermediate, and advanced level courses, and supervise and co-supervise bachelor, master and doctoral theses in the fields of multilingualism, language learning/teaching and translation. I am a member of the COACT research group, specialized in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. In my doctoral thesis, I analysed multilingualism as a resource in tandem learning, and I am currently researching multilingual practices of German-speaking immigrants in Northern Finland.
Research interests
- Learning and teaching foreign languages (German as a foreign language)
- Learning languages in non-formal and informal contexts
- Beliefs in language learning and teaching
- Individual and societal multilingualism
- Multilingual practices and translanguaging
- Migration linguistics
Researcher information
Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 1
90570 Oulu
Raum: TÄ 315-1
Postal address
P.O.Box 1000
FI-90014 University of Oulu