Sami Pohjolainen
Doctoral Researcher
Information Processing Science
Oulu Advanced Research on Service and Information Systems
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
I am currently working as a doctoral researcher at the OASIS research unit, Information Processing Science discipline, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.
My primary research interests include Persuasive Technology, Persuasive Systems Design, Behaviour Change Support Systems, Persuasive User Experience, and quantitative research. I am also interested in practice and research on gamification, general usability and user experience.
Currently, the focus of my research is on Persuasive User Experience concentrating on mHealth technologies developed at our research unit.
I completed my master's degree also at the University of Oulu at the same faculty and discipline: Software, Systems and Services Development in the Global Environment. My thesis focused on usability and user experience evaluation model for investigating coordinated assistive technologies with blind and visually impaired.

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