Tiina Kinnunen
Nais- ja sukupuolihistoria, sodan sosiaali- ja kulttuurihistoria, historiankirjoituksen ja historiakulttuurin historia
History, Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities

I work as a Professor of Finnish and Northern European History at the University of Oulu. I teach and supervise mainly at the master level. I also supervise doctoral students and coordinate the department's doctoral training. The focus of my research is on the history of feminisms, social and cultural history of war, as well as history cultures and the history of historiography. Methodologically, I have expertise in biographical, comparative and transnational and gender approaches. In addition to Nordic history I am particularly interested in the history of German-speaking cultures and areas. I work actively in national and international academic networks and organizations. I was the President of Finnish Historical Society in 2016-2017. I am a Board member of the International Federation for Research in Women's History since 2015, serving as a Vice President 2020-2025. Since 2019 I am a Research Fellow of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.
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900014 Oulun yliopisto