Xiaobai Li
Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Computer Science
Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS)
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Dr. Xiaobai Li received B.Sc from Peking University, China, majored in psychology, and her M.Sc from Chinese Academy of Science, majored in Cognitive Neuroscience. Her master's research work was about human visual cognition of faces, and prosopagnosia (aka face-blindness).
She received Ph.D. from the University of Oulu, Finland, majored in Computer Science. Her doctoral research work was about training computer algorithms to read subtle information from the face, including micro-expressions and the heart rate.
Dr. Xiaobai Li is currently working as an assistant professor (tenure track) in CMVS. She was one of the 19 members of an exclusive training program: “Class 18’- Training Program for Science Leadership” held by the University of Oulu, which trains young researchers with the potentials to become future academic group leaders. She got the Academy PostDoc researcher funding for 09.2019-08.2022. She was also funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund of a consortium project "Reducing strain and increasing gain of remote work group meetings with physiological indicators: PhInGain" for 04.01.2021 - 31.12.2022.
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Linnanmaa, 90570
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FI-90014 University of Oulu