Centre for Advanced Steels Research

In the strategy of University of Oulu steel research was identified as one of the profiling themes in 2010. In the latest strategies for 2016–2020 and 2020–, the focus area, “Sustainable Materials and Systems” and the scientific profile “Physics for Sustainable Steel” meet the global changes of research conducted at the university.
CASR focuses on big challenges as targeting to carbon-free steel processing and manufacturing of ultrahigh-strength steels. Multidisciplinary fundamental and advanced steel research is very valuable to Finnish metals and engineering industry, which produces nearly half of Finnish export goods. Research at CASR has enabled Finnish industry to become a global leader in the development and use of ultrahigh-strength steels.

The specific idea and the main advantage of CASR is that it covers the whole chain of steel processing from raw material handling to the mechanical properties of steel and the fabrication of final products, i.e. process control, process and physical metallurgy based design and prediction of chemical compositions, microstructures and the rolling stage, and finally modelling the relationships between huge industrial processing data and the properties of novel steel grades. For industrial partners CASR provides an easy access to the multidisciplinary research. The research portfolio at CASR is aimed at providing basic research, innovations and education to support the prosperity of the Finnish steel and engineering industry.
- Associate Professor Ville-Valtteri Visuri,
Process Metallurgy
ville-valtteri.visuri@oulu.fi - Professor Jukka Kömi,
Materials and Mechanical Engineering
jukka.komi@oulu.fi - Professor Timo Fabritius,
Process Metallurgy

CASR is an excellent partner for iron and steelmaking industry in Finland, Europe and all over the world in all actions related to steel research and development. The long-term experience is based on the collaboration in national and EC ECSC-RFCS-Horizon projects during last three decades. Research activities are founded on the high competence of various research groups and the facilities of different laboratories as well as the support from the services provided by the University of Oulu. Taking contact with CASR, an optimum consortium can be readily formed to utilize the expertise and resources of the multidisciplinary University of Oulu.
CASR promotes actively to support the commercialization of its scientific research. As the result of this collaboration X spin-off companies have been established.
CASR is a wide collaborative research effort
with 10 research groups and 100+ researchers from the University of Oulu, LUT University, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University.
More than 50 companies are active collaborators.