Two stories of friendship at the university

Medical studies brought Oulu residents Elja and Riitta Herva together more than 50 years ago. This Valentine’s Day, the couple is celebrating their 54th anniversary.
“You could say that without our studies and the University of Oulu, we might never have taken this journey together,” says Riitta Herva.
”The years people spend studying are important in many ways. A university can be a place where lifelong relationships develop – also the most important ones.”
Good luck and coincidence also played a role in their first encounters in the sense that both Elja and Riitta ended up studying in Oulu.
“My studies opened up opportunities that I wouldn’t have received elsewhere. We were supported in research work, people believed in our ideas, I received encouragement – and I also have the University of Oulu to thank for my career and the opportunity to work in genetics research,” says Riitta.
“There was no hierarchy between professors and students, only direct communication and equality. That is something quite unique."

They studied at the Faculty of Medicine in the early 1960s and, although they were in different classes, student society activities and shared workplaces meant that they got to know each other. Riitta eventually worked as a pathologist and Elja as a microbiologist.
“In addition to her career, Riitta has always taken care of our family and this home – she had a lot going on,” explains Elja.
“Elja is a bit indecisive. While we were dating, I told him to ‘either take me or leave me, but make up your mind’! And he eventually made his decision,’ says Riitta with a laugh and adds:
“We spent some time hanging around each other and taking the same route to Kontinkangas before we officially became a couple.”
They were married at Haukipudas Church on 13 April 1971. Before that, they took time from everyday life to go moonlight swimming, spend time in the forest or go paddling. Nature still plays a big role in their love story.
“And trust. We’ve given each other support at work and at home, provided freedom and we also have a real team spirit.”
The couple says that their group of medical students was small, close-knit and mutually supportive. A sense of community spirit, shared values and the idea of standing up for the University of Oulu as well as the quality and characteristics of the north was a broad theme among the students.
“There weren’t very many of us, so we stuck together. We spent a lot of time with each other.”
“We also know several couples from the same classes, and they’re still together too.”
Heidi, Liisa, and Tiina met through their student association nearly 15 years ago. Today, they work in different faculties at the University of Oulu and support each other in the daily chaos of family life.
It’s an unusual day if their Messenger group stays silent. For Heidi Niemelä, Liisa Väisänen, and Tiina Magga, friendship means discussing social issues, sharing the ups and downs of family life, or simply asking each other for painkillers in the middle of the workday.
It all started with a small study group. Heidi and Liisa, both Finnish language students, met in their first year at university in 2010. Through their student association, Suma ry, they met Tiina Magga the following year.
"I quickly felt like I was surrounded by like-minded people. We shared common interests, and we had all moved to Oulu for our studies without existing networks. University is the perfect time to make new friends – everyone is looking for connections and a fresh start," Liisa recalls.
The trio worked together on a committee organising Suma ry’s 2012 anniversary celebrations. The event needed funding, and at the time, wall calendars were fashionable.
"We came up with the idea of a grammar-themed girls’ calendar. It was quite bold at the time," Heidi remembers.
"Our children call each other siblings"
While their student association days are behind them, their friendship has endured. The women graduated in 2016 and 2017, though Tiina already had a couple of degrees under her belt by then. Heidi and Tiina stayed on at the university, while Liisa worked elsewhere for a while before returning.
Heidi is now a researcher and university teacher in primary teacher education, Tiina works as a project coordinator at the Giellagas Institute, and Liisa teaches Finnish and communication at the Centre for Languages and Communication Lingua.
"Coming back to the university felt a bit like coming home. It’s always been a welcoming place for all of us, with lovely people around," Liisa sums up.
Since they work under the same roof, they meet up for lunch at least once a week.
"Our partners and children are also closely involved in our group. The kids go to the same nursery and even call each other siblings – that’s how close we are," Liisa laughs.
For families who have moved from elsewhere, having a support network is invaluable.
"If I ever need someone to pick up my child from day-care, I know I can ask Liisa, Tiina, or their partners. We also organise little outings together, like going sledging or having dinner at one of our homes," Heidi explains.
With so much in common, their Messenger group chat is often buzzing with lively discussions – sometimes sparked by an interesting article.
"It’s wonderful and inspiring to have deep conversations with smart people," they all agree.
Despite their shared interests, each of them brings something unique to the friendship – and that’s a good thing.
"In this group, everyone has the space to be themselves," Tiina sums up.
Leena Hirvonen (Elja ja Riitta Herva's story)
Kati Valjus (Heidi Niemelä, Liisan Väisänen and Tiina Magga's story)
Leena Hirvonen (Elja and Riitta Herva)
Mikko Törmänen (Heidi Niemelä, Liisa Väisänen and Tiina Magga)
Here is how these friends describe each other
Liisa and Heidi on Tiina:
"Tiina is incredibly kind and has such a big heart. She’s the most thoughtful of us – if there’s something to research, you can bet Tiina has done the most thorough background check."
Tiina and Heidi on Liisa:
"Liisa is proactive and full of energy. She always finds angles we wouldn’t have thought of ourselves. Her dining table is our hangout spot, where we always feel welcome."
Liisa and Tiina on Heidi:
"Heidi is smart and determined, always working towards her goals. She’s also the most vibrant of us – but at the same time, the most caring”