Biocenter Oulu Day
Biocenter Oulu Day gathers the bioscience and biomedicine researchers and clinicians together annually around a current scientific theme and a commercial exhibition of the sponsoring companies. The Biocenter Oulu Day is planned, organized and chaired by a team of committed doctoral researchers.

Tools of life - approaches for solving biochemical mysteries
Time : Wednesday May 17, 2022 at 8.30-16.00
Location: Leena Palotie Auditorium 101A in the Kontinkangas Campus, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Chairpersons: Maiju Uusitalo and Jeena Ainikkal Velayudhan
BCO Day 2023 Programme:
- 8.30-8.40 Opening remarks
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Biocenter Oulu - 8.40-8.50 Welcome
Prof. Johannes Kettunen, Director of Focus Institute Biocenter Oulu - 8.50-9.30 Dr Valérie Taly, Univ. Paris Descartes, France
Circulating tumor DNA for the follow-up of cancer patients - 9.30-10.15 Coffee at the exhibition area
Session 1: Data collection tools
- 10.15-10.20 Nordic BioSite, Anni Laari
- 10.20-10.50 Dr Rajendra Bhadane, Univ. Turku, Finland
Interdisciplinary Approaches in Biomedical Research: A Perspective from the Frontlines of Protein, Polymer, and Nanoparticle Simulations - 10.50-11.20 Dr Nicola Bordin, UCL, London, UK
How much of protein space will AlphaFold illuminate? - 11.20-11.25 NanoString Technologies Europe Limited, Alexandra Brandt
- 11.25-11.30 Genevia Technologies Oy, Thomas Liuksiala
- 11.30-12.55 Lunch break and exhibition
Session 2: Data analysis
- 12.55-13.00 Promega Biotech AB, Katja Ahokas
- 13.00-13.30 Prof. Dr Christian Gilissen, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen, NL
Analysis of large-scale genomics data to provide new insights
into genetic disorders - 13.30-14.15 Dr Evangelia Petsalaki, EMBL-EBI, Cambridgeshire, UK (Online)
Data-driven approaches to study context-specific human cell signalling - 14.15-14.45 Coffee at the exhibition area
Session 3: Databases
- 14.45-15.15 Dr Maxim Tsenkov, EMBL-EBI, Cambridgeshire, UK
AlphaFold DB: Recent andances and future developments - 15.15-15.45 Dr Alex Bateman, EMBL-EBI, Cambridgeshire, UK (Online)
Structure Predictions Transform Protein Family Classification - 15.45-16.00 General discussion and concluding remarks
Organizing Committee of Biocenter Oulu Day 2023:
- Maiju Uusitalo
- Jeena Ainikkal Velayudhan
- Anni Heikkilä
- Anette Schmidt
- Andriana Valkama
- Bao Ngo
- Longguang Qin