Exploring resilience 17.12.2024 Young people in a time of climate crisis: Identifying resilience factors for transformative learning, active citizenship, and mental well-being
Exploring resilience 29.11.2024 The issue with resilience in tourism: Complex Adaptive Systems, cross-disciplinarity and voices that should matter
Exploring resilience 02.10.2024 PLATINEA – How a platform can help to preserve the value of existing antibiotics through innovation?
Exploring resilience 20.06.2024 Towards a more sustainable North: trust and cooperation as cornerstones of regional development
Exploring resilience 14.06.2024 Transformative learning on a dying planet – is there (any) hope? Dialogue with Professor Arjen Wals
Exploring resilience 23.01.2024 European University UNIC - Deepening collaboration in education and research
Exploring resilience 05.12.2023 Recovery to Resilience: Sustainable Pathways for Transforming Tourism Conference