Understanding Impact Narratives: A Key Tool in Research Evaluation

The importance of showcasing the impact of research has never been more critical because the world increasingly relies on scientific advancements and investments in research to address complex global challenges. Impact narratives play a pivotal role in this process, providing detailed accounts of how research projects have influenced society, policy, economy, and the environment. These narratives go beyond academic achievements, highlighting real-world benefits and changes resulting from research activities.

Evaluating the impact of research is inherently complex due to several factors. The full impact of research may take years or even decades to become apparent. The pathways through which research impacts society are often nonlinear and influenced by numerous external factors, complicating the attribution of specific outcomes to particular research activities.

Impact narratives or stories are detailed accounts that describe the tangible and intangible effects of research projects. They highlight how research outcomes have influenced society, policy, economy, or the environment. These narratives go beyond academic achievements to showcase real-world benefits and changes resulting from research activities.

Universities should use impact narratives in research evaluation to demonstrate the value and relevance of their research to stakeholders, including funders, policymakers, and the public. By clearly articulating the impact of research, universities can strengthen their case for funding and support and provide a transparent account of how research investments translate into societal benefits. Impact narratives can be incorporated into research evaluation frameworks, as it has been the case in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in the UK and the Strategic Evaluation Process (SEP) in the Netherlands and can be shared with stakeholders to build trust and demonstrate the practical applications of research findings. The Strategic Research Council in Finland uses impact stories in reporting the results of their funded projects and Horizon Europe as an ex-ante evaluation tool in funding proposals.

While impact narratives can be a valuable evaluation tool, they are not without criticism. Impact narratives can oversimplify complex research outcomes, reducing nuanced impacts to easily digestible stories. The process of crafting narratives can introduce bias, as researchers may selectively highlight positive outcomes while downplaying negative or unintended consequences. Developing detailed and compelling impact narratives can also be resource-intensive, requiring significant time and effort from researchers and institutions. The use of impact narratives in evaluation requires thus careful consideration and clear guidelines.

In the best case an impact narrative allows to critically assess how a research project or initiative succeeded in fulfilling it’s aims regarding research impact. Narratives should, when possible, be supported with data and quantitative indicators. An impact narrative should include:

  • A short summary of the research and the impact
  • Description of the conducted research activities (what was done, where, and by whom)
  • Description of the impact (What happened and when? What and where was the change and why and to whom did it matter?)
  • Description of the process that led to impact (independent, verifiable evidence). Add quantitative indicators to strengthen your case.
  • A conclusion to summarise the key points and reiterate the significance of the research impact and suggest potential future impacts or ongoing efforts to sustain the impact.

To conclude, the REF 2029 is currently being prepared, and we are following its development with great interest to see what it will bring to the table in terms of impact evaluation. Proposed changes include introducing structured impact statements alongside traditional narrative impact case studies. These statements aim to provide a more comprehensive account of research's societal contributions, emphasising processes like ethical engagement, inclusivity, and institutional support mechanisms. This approach could complement case studies by offering broader recognition of diverse impact pathways, such as community partnerships or policy influence. Additionally, the ethical process of delivering impact is given appropriate focus, not just the outcomes.

Written by: Kirsi Ojutkangas, research and project services, University of Oulu

More information:

University of Oulu Impact Helper
Strategic Research Council template for impact stories
Research Excellence Framework UK 2029