
Heralds have an important assisting role in the conferment festivities. Heralds are students of the University of Oulu.

Kaksi airutta pitelee käsissään tohtorinhattua.

What is Conferment Ceremony?

In the Conferment Ceremony, Young doctors are ceremonially inaugurated as doctors. Also honorary doctors and jubilee doctors are inaugurated.

Doctoral Conferment Ceremony of the University of Oulu is arranged jointly by all faculties on three consecutive days. The official inauguration, the act of conferment, is the biggest and most dignified academic tradition, which follows mostly a 700-year-old tradition.

This three-day festivity includes the Sword-Whetting event on Friday, the actual Conferment Ceremony, Procession, Ecumenical Church Service, and a Banquet and Ball on Saturday and a short Sailing Trip on Sunday.

Tasks of Heralds

A three-day event takes a lot of preparation. These will be taken care of by the university and the conferment committee. Heralds have an especially important role in making the ceremony a success. You may apply in different positions during the event days. The tasks of Heralds include keeping up the tradition, representing the university of Oulu, receiving guests and helping in any practical arrangements during the days as well as making sure everything goes smoothly.

The Heralds are led by Chief Herald.

How to Become a Herald?

We are looking for Heralds from every faculty. We expect you to be self-acting and persistent. The working committee will choose suitable Heralds.

In addition to new friends and a unique experience, you will receive a diploma, credits and and a meal in days that you act as a Herald. There will also be a thank you party, karonkka, for every Herald after the Conferment Ceremony.

Registration for Heralds: https://www.lyyti.in/Oulu_Tohtoripromootio2024Airut_F1


Info sessions and rehearsals are held for registered Heralds.

Dress code

Option 1

Dark suit (black), white shirt, dark socks, grey tie, black leather shoes. No handkerchief during daytime.

Option 2

Coloured evening dress in sword-whetting and in Conferment Banquet and Ball.

In the Doctoral Conferment Ceremony event black dress or skirt, which is long enough to cover the knees. Dark grey or black stockings and black shoes. High heels are not recommended, since the days will be long.


Finnish matriculation cap or teekkari hat. Herald ribbons will be given by the University.

More info

Heralds are guided by Chief Herald.