Become a mentee

Do you have an idea of your future career and would like some help how to get there? Would you like to express your skills and goals with more ease? The mentoring programme could be for you if you would like some help with communicating your strengths, aiming for an interesting career or writing job applications.

The meaning of mentoring

Uncertainty of the future turned into trust into my own skills and abilities to work for my own career."

- Mentee's feedback

The mentoring programme can provide you with new ideas and better self-knowledge if you need support in achieving your dream career, you find it hard to share your career-related concerns with others, and don't know how to progress in the job application process.

During mentoring you will get a better idea of who you are, what are your strengths and capabilities are, and how to communicate these to your future employer. Your discussions with your mentor will develop your self-confidence and you can look forward to the future with more confidence.

With the help of mentoring you can

  • have a better understanding of your skills and areas to develop and how to express them
  • boost your self-confidence and belief in your capabilities
  • have a better vision how to achieve your dream job and the career path that interests you
  • get motivation to complete your studies
  • get advice and confidence for your career choice
  • decrease fear for transition to work life
  • develop your communication and networking skills.

Mentoring can be either face-to-face meetings (prefferred) or online meetings. The mentoring pairs will plan the meetings depending on current guidelines and recommendations, place of residence and mutual wishes.

Your mentor doesn’t tell you what kind of choices you should make to achieve your desired job or career or answer all questions about your future. With the help of your mentor, you can make a plan and set targets how to achieve your dream career. Your mentor is not there to offer you a job, internship or thesis position. The mentor can be never 100 % match what you had requested for and this is a good thing. Keep an open mind for a mentor who has a different background than you – a person from another field may introduce completely new perspectives to your career planning.