Responding to the career monitoring survey is one way of having an influence

National career monitoring> allows universities to collect information on the first years of their alumni’s careers and their placement in working life. Graduates are asked to assess their satisfaction with their university degree and their career so far and to explain to what extent university education has developed the competence they have needed in working life.
The career monitoring surveys are sent to alumni five years after they have graduated with a Master’s degree or three years after completing their doctorate. Tarja Männistö, who graduated with a MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management in 2014, was all too happy to respond to the survey. She is curious to find out where in Finland other graduates have ended up and about their work situation.
I am very interested in the results so that I can see where I have ended up in comparison to others who graduated with a Master of Science in Technology at the same time," says Männistö.
Using the survey to gain insight into one’s own strengths
Her interest in examining the significance of her career and studies motivated Männistö to respond to the survey.
"I tend to reflect quite a bit on my career, on what motivates me and on what is meaningful in my work. When filling in the career monitoring survey, I took time to think about what the degree has given me and what the importance of it is for me,” Männistö says.
Responding to the survey is a good time for the alumni to consider the benefits of their own degree in working life. Männistö believes that all possibilities for self-development should be utilised. One can consciously work to improve their confidence and an understanding of their own skills.
“You just need to have the courage to say what you have done and what all you have achieved. Sometimes people need to repeat phrases to themselves such as: well I really have done this and that, learned and achieved a lot. The survey reminded me of this again,” says Männistö.
Views of university alumni for the development of the range of courses and programmes
The results of the career monitoring survey will be utilised in the development of teaching at universities and in the guidance of students. Alumni have valuable perspectives on the development of studies that have emerged in working life.
"The corporate world would benefit a great deal from the students' new perspectives. Alumni will also benefit from the new courses that were not available during their studies,” says Männistö. "I’ve noticed that I need to add to and maintain my own competence, the longer a time it’s been from my graduation.”
The greatest reason for Männistö to respond to the survey was to find out what the university could still offer her.
"I think it is important for all university graduates to consider how they can further develop their competence. All opportunities of this manner, such as this survey, should be used.“
By responding to the survey, the alumni can help current students prepare for working life.
"I hope that everyone will put in the effort. It is ultimately for the goof of current students. If I think about myself ten years ago, I did not know what skills I would need in working life,” Männistö says.
Why respond to the career monitoring survey?
- You can influence the development of the range of courses the university offers.
- You will have the opportunity to reflect on your career and get a new perspective on the degree you completed.
- You may become aware of subject areas in which you want to further your education.
- You will take part in the collection of statistical and research data.
- You will help current and future students obtain a higher quality university education.
Original text in Finnish: Terhi Suominen, Photo: Mikko Törmänen