Innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer

The University of Oulu supports entrepreneurship among its students, researchers and other employees. We help you develop business based on research results and inventions, and offer support for different company needs. Every year, 3-4 new research-based companies are created at the University of Oulu. For companies' technology needs, we offer our patented inventions for licensing, and also other kind of technology transfer.
Ihmisiä innovaatioiden ja ideoiden äärellä

We help turn research into business

At the University of Oulu, we want our research results and know-how to be utilised. We help with commercialisation and intellectual property rights, finding business potential and developing business ideas. We help you to apply for funding for commercialisation (e.g., from Business Finland) and to build up a network of partners.

We spend a significant amount of money each year (Proof-of-Concept, PoC) on testing the first implementation of ideas and inventions. Funding is available for both researchers and students at the University of Oulu.

The University Innovation Centre offers everything you need to develop a business:

  • identification and refinement of commercialisation ideas
  • identifying financing options for the most promising ideas
  • business coaching and training
  • building a team
  • support in finding partners

We support student entrepreneurship

We promote student entrepreneurship by offering various courses, workshops, competitions and events related to entrepreneurship and commercialisation of ideas in cooperation with Oulu University of Applied Sciences. The Innovation Centre also provides entrepreneurial advice and helps students to develop and fund their business ideas.

In addition, the Oulu Business School offers a minor in Entrepreneurship and Business Planning for all students.

Discover our achievements

Research at the University of Oulu results in new inventions, profitable business and licensable technology.


research-based companies since 2000


invention disclosures in 2023


patent families in our portfolio


funded proof-of-concept projects in 2023

Contact us

The University Innovation Centre supports collaboration between researchers and companies and provides assistance with business development.

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