Courses and Learning Agreement

A well prepared study plan is key to successful exchange. Our Courses for Exchange Students is meant to help you choose the courses that best suit your studies and interests.

Choose your courses

The University of Oulu welcomes around 500 exchange students from all over the world every year. Would you like to be one of them? High quality teaching and excellent programmes are offered in all our eight faculties and schools.

Choosing your courses

All our faculties offer a variety of courses in English. The recommended workload for exchange students is 30 credits per term (full time study load), 60 credits for a full year exchange. You are required to choose a minimum of 80% of courses from the faculty or study field to which you are applying to. If you propose courses from another study field or faculty, your Faculty Exchange Coordinator needs to separately check the availability of those courses. In addition to study-field specific restrictions, it needs to be noted that when choosing courses from another faculty, schedule overlaps are possible.

When choosing courses, please see the "Show description" tab in the course catalogue of each faculty for more information about the courses, possible prerequisites (required previous studies), and other restrictions. Please also check possible course-specific prerequisites of each course.

Please note that there are faculty or study field specific restrictions. The basic restrictions are listed below, and additional information can be found in the "Show description" tab in the course catalogue of each faculty.

  • Courses for Exchange Students
    N.B. Make sure you have chosen the correct academic year. (See upper left-hand corner under the University of Oulu text) The course catalogue is unavailable during maintenance break 3.3.-11.3.2025.

Study-field specific restrictions

Below you can find the faculty-specific restrictions concerning courses. Please make sure you read restrictions carefully before you make your study plan.

For further information on course selection, please contact your Faculty Exchange Coordinator.

Learning Agreement

Learning agreement is a mandatory part of your exchange application whether you are applying for study exchange or traineeship exchange.


We are accepting Online Learning Agreements (OLA) from incoming Erasmus+ students. Please find the contact information for responsible persons for signing OLAs online at…

In case your home university has not implemented the Online Learning Agreement yet, we also accept the traditional paper/pdf learning agreements. Please consult your home university on which format you should use.

If you are applying though another exchange programme (e.g. bilateral agreement), please use our general learning agreement template.