Docentship of the Faculty of Technology

According to the Universities Act, a university may by application grant the title of docent to a person who has comprehensive knowledge of their own field, a capacity for independent research or artistic work as demonstrated by publications or some other manner, and good teaching skills.
Adhering to the recruitment guidelines and recruitment competence of the University, the Rector may grant the title of docent at the proposal of the Dean of the faculty to a person who meets the title's requirements of the Universities Act and in whose field a need exists in the faculty.
The prerequisite for granting the title of docent is that the applicant has, in addition to their doctoral thesis, published scientific/artistic research which expands their field of study and corresponds to at least one other dissertation having good scientific/artistic significance, quality and quantity. The applicant is also expected to show that they have created an independent career as a researcher or their own research profile, and are doing active research.
The unit/faculty defines the field of the docentship.
The application should be addressed to the Faculty of Technology. The specification of the field of the docentship should be stated in the application. The applicant delivers all the needed material in electronic form to the director (professor) of his/her research unit.
Before submitting an application, the applicant will discuss with the professor who is responsible for the relevant discipline at the Faculty.
Application form and Guidelines of the University of Oulu about Granting the Title of Docent
When applying for the title of docent at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Oulu, the instructions Granting the title of Docent given at 2021 by the University of Oulu, and the following additional instructions given by the Faculty of Technology, are followed.
Required documents from the applicant for the application of docentship in the Faculty of Technology:
- Application form (provided by the university, please see a link above)
- Copy of doctoral degree certificate and other degree certificates
- CV (as recommended by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity/TENK)
- List of publications and publications intended for evaluation. The list of publications must be categorised according to the publication type classification of the Ministry of Education and Culture
- Publications in electronic form (maximum 10 pcs)
- Cooperational plan (non-faculty of technology applicants)
The applicant may decide on the topic of the demonstration lecture within the field of the applied docentship. Duration of the lecture is exactly 20 minutes and lecture should be suitable for master’s level education. Before the lecture a representative of the research unit will present the applicant and the field of the applied docentship. The applicant should also mention the field of the applied docentship and learning outcomes of the teaching demonstration in the beginning of the lecture. The teaching demonstration is evaluated both on basis of the content of the lecture and on basis of presentation and teaching skills of the applicant.
The teaching demonstration will be evaluated by the Faculty of Technology recruitment committee. Demonstration lectures in the Faculty of Technology are organized as open for public -events. Events are organized both on Autumn and Spring term.