A cross-disciplinary introduction to law, regulation and governance of AI and other technologies

This seminar will introduce ideas, both theoretical and practical, around the role governments and other actors can play in aligning the future technological landscape with important values through regulation. It will outline the field, including the major structural theories, and discuss these in the context of current policy questions.

Education information

Implementation date

14.01.2025 - 15.01.2025

Enrollment period


Education type

Field-specific studies



Venue location

Tellus Backstage & Tellus Horizon, University of Oulu, Finland

Enrollment and further information

Email karin.vayrynen@oulu.fi

  • In your email, please identify your

1) affiliation (research unit, faculty, university),
2) supervisor(s),
3) research topic, and
4) current year of PhD progress and estimated defense year

Important: The seminar pre-assignment has to be submitted on 31.12.2024 the latest. Therefore, please make sure to reserve sufficient time for the readings you have to do before the assignment deadline, and for completing the pre-assignments by the deadline, as the seminar will build on these pre-assignments. The reading list, as well as instructions for the pre-assignment, can be found under “more information” as a pdf file. The pre-assignment as well as active participation in the seminar are required to receive the course credits (3 ECTS). There will not be any post-seminar assignments. You will be provided access to the readings (i.e., articles) after registering to the seminar.

Education description

More information can be found here

Last updated: 16.1.2025