Overview of Human-Centred AI Design

  • 2-2 ECTS credits
  • Academic year 2024-2025
  • DP00AU16
This course begins with a brief introduction to the main concepts of Artificial Intelligence (automation, augmentation, machine learning and data labelling, neural networks and large language models, etc.), followed by an overview of how AI can be accessed as a design material, whilst simultaneously incorporating responsible AI practices.

Education information

Implementation date

09.12.2024 - 10.12.2024

Enrollment period


Education type

Field-specific studies

Alternativity of education




Venue location

Mon Dec 9th 9:00am-3:30pm at Frost club, Linnanmaa campus.
Tues Dec 10th: 9:00am-3:30pm at Tellus Backstage, Linnanmaa campus.

Enrollment and further information

Course registration in Peppi.

Education description

Students will pose questions around topics such as Usable AI, Ethical and responsible AI, Human-AI collaboration, Human-controlled hybrid intelligence. Much of the course consists of students exploring case studies, empirical methods and prototyping approaches that demonstrate Human-AI interaction. Students will collaborate in small groups to ideate a design prototype (no coding) representing a novel Human-AI interaction that incorporates best practice approaches for designing Human-AI collaboration. This course is most appropriate for students in areas of human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, and participatory design.

Last updated: 11.9.2024