Responsible Science - A Practical Guide for Early-Career Researchers
- 1-1 ECTS credits
- Academic year 2024-2025
- DP00AV59
Sustainable development as a concept, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their significance for the research project.
Principles and practices of open and responsible science at different stages of research.
Education information
Implementation date
15.01.2025 - 30.05.2025
Education type
General and transferable skills studies
Alternativity of education
Venue location
Itsenäisesti suoritettava Moodle kurssi
Enrollment and further information
Education description
After completing the course, the doctoral researcher understands what aspects related to sustainability, diversity and inclusion are – or could be – relevant in their research project. During the course, they become familiar with at least two tools that can be used to strengthen the sustainability/diversity perspective of their own research.
In addition, the doctoral researcher learns about the principles of open science relating to different phases of research. These phases include preparing the research project, finding relevant resources, collecting, and analysing data, writing, and publishing articles, managing data and other research outputs, and providing information and assessment.