Advanced Network Security in 5G and Beyond - Doctoral course
Event information
Wed 01.06.2022 09:00 - Fri 03.06.2022 14:00
Dr. Gurkan Gur (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
Ms. Maria Christopoulou (NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece)
Mr. George Xilouris (NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece)
Dates: 1st to 3rd of June, 2022
Hours: 12 h: Lectures: 9.00–11.00. at 12:00–14:00 (with 15 minutes breaks)
Venue place: TS127
Examination: No examinations
Assessment: 100% Written report, lab work and attendance.
Extent: 3 ECTS
Moodle space:
Registration: Students should register for the course by 15th May, 2022. Background reading, lecture slides and preparatory material will be provided in advance of the start of the course.
Course content and learning objectives: This course aims to provide an intense tutorial and knowledge exchange to graduate students and researchers on key topics regarding smart security in 5G and future wireless networks. The learning objectives of this course are:
- Students are able to name the key security threats for 5G networks.
- Students are able to identify the emerging aspects of Beyond 5G security including AI/ML Enablers for security.
- Students are able to describe the applicability of Moving Target Defense in a smart 5G network management framework as a case study.
- Students are able to simulate 5G network slices and use an anomaly detection framework on top of the simulated environment.
- Students are able to discuss the research challenges and promising directions for security of future wireless networks.
The learning contents of this course will include:
- Pre-assigned reading material (research articles e.g. 2 papers per student)
- Lecture slides
- Final report early draft (for students to work on as a voluntary post-event activity)
- Lab material
- Access to 5G testbed (@NCSRD)
Target Audience: This is an advanced course targeted at Master's and Doctoral students who
have knowledge of wireless communications, protocols and computer networks.
Lecture Schedule:
Day 1: Fundamentals of 5G and Beyond 5G (B5G) security
- Introduction to 5G security
- 5G threat landscape and the impact of B5G vision
- Intelligent security management and architecture for 5G and B5G
- The impact of B5G vision
Day 2: Intelligent security enablers for 5G and B5G
- AI/ML Enablers for security
- Standardization aspects
- MTD as a case study
Day 3: Lab session and group work (1 - 5G Network slice management and security enforcement 2- Collaborative work session for the final report)
- Introduction to the lab work and environment
- Lab activity
- Planning and task assignment for the collaborative final report
- Evaluation and feedback
The course assessment will be based on the written report and lab work.