From berry research to market

The aim of the webinar is to bring together scientists and companies working on berries. The webinar provides a platform for knowledge transfer between the industry and academia.

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Welcome to listen and discuss about berry research and related business opportunities!

Berries are an integral part of Finnish culture and Chinese traditional medicine. An exchange of expectations from the industry to the academia can strengthen berry research and markets in Finland and China.

Seminar is organized by the University of Oulu and Finland-China Food and Health Network (FCFH).

Register to the webinar here until 4.10.2022 at 16.00


PROGRAM (Finnish time: EEST, UTC+3)

9:00- 9:05

Opening words

Vice-rector Taina Pihlajaniemi, University of Oulu

9:05- 9:15

Introduction about Finland China Food and Health Network

Prof. Baoru Yang, Food Chemistry and Food Development Unit, University of Turku

9:15- 9:40

Value-added processing of berries - Use of membrane technologies and extraction

Prof. Riitta Keiski, Professor, Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu


Wild berry processing

Riitta Ryyti, Quality and CSR Manager, Kiantama Oy

9:55- 10:20

Molecular mechanisms underlying cancer prevention and interception with berries

Prof. Anne-Maria Pajari, Associate professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, University of Helsinki


Introduction to business of daily health with special focus on berries

Mr. Jianwen Cao, Yangling Daily Health Bioengineering Technology Co. Ltd


Coffee break

10:45- 11:10

Use of non-Saccharomyces yeasts as a novel biotechnology for berry wine production

Dr. Shuxun Liu, Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Gongshang University

11:10- 11:25

Commercialization of the health benefits of berry oils: Membrasin and BerryOMG

Dr. Mira Povelainen, Head of Market Development, Aromtech Oy

11:25- 11:40

Case study: Growing and processing Aronia berries in Finland with premium quality

Jan-Ole Sandås, CEO at Finnish Superberries Ltd.

11:40- 12:00

Panel Discussion

Last updated: 22.9.2022