Better Business Together -networking event for students and entrepreneurs

Would you like to meet local companies and entrepreneurs? Are you looking for opportunities to network with potential employers? This networking event enables entrepreneurs and those with an entrepreneurial spirit to network with each other. Meet the local businesses and get new ideas and opportunities for your career!

Event information



Venue location

Startup Station (Hallituskatu 36 A)



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Better Business Together!

The aim of the event is to foster greater internationality within Oulu’s business life. This networking event enables entrepreneurs and those with an entrepreneurial spirit to network with each other.

You are very welcome to this meeting to get new ideas and opportunities for your career!

Meeting is meant for international students of the University of Oulu and for local entrepreneurs.

Time and place: 11th of April 2024 at the Startup Station (Hallituskatu 36 A).

The event is held in English. Free of charge.

More information can be found from the website of Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjät.

Registration link to the event

Please note that the number of participants is limited.

Last updated: 3.4.2024