Border dynamics and resilience in the Arctic regions – Arctic Researchers’ Network -seminar
Event information
Thu 29.09.2022 12:00 - Fri 30.09.2022 15:00
Venue location
Linnanmaa campus
Arctic regions are particularly interesting sites for investigating cross-border regional and social resilience to experienced continuous crisis as well as how cross-border connections in itself can be both vulnerable and persistent. The upward trajectory of cross-border collaboration and problem solving in the Arctic region are challenged by the geopolitical tension, the COVID-19 pandemic and related border restrictions. The tightened border control and protectionism as a response to various experienced threats is increasing and multiplying the experience of disruption in the lives of Arctic communities, the labor markets and social interaction, and defers finding common solutions to complex human-environmental challenges.
Seminar programme (hybrid)
Thursday 29.9.2022 12.00–17.15
Linnanmaa, room: FY337-1
12.00–12.15 Opening and welcome Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola, University of Oulu
12.15–13.40 Keynote lecture (online), Carina Keskitalo, Umeå University: Climate change adaptation – an overarching issue?
Chair: Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola, University of Oulu. Commentary: Päivi Lujala, University of Oulu
13.40–14.00 Coffee/tea
14.00–15.30 Session: Arctic regions and communities in change (part I)
Chair: Satu Kivelä, University of Oulu
14.00–14.30 Heidi Sinevaara-Niskanen, University of Lapland: Examining the resilience-power nexus
14.30–15.00 Vesa Väätänen, Kaj Zimmerbauer & Satu Kivelä, University of Oulu: Language as a border: discussing cross-border health care in the North Calotte region
15.00–15.30 Anastasia Emelyanova, University of Oulu: Caregiving of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian Arctic Province: Challenges and practice
15.30–15.45 Break
15.45–17.15 Session: Arctic regions and communities in change (part II)
Chair: Veera Juntunen, University of Oulu
15.45–16.15 Paula Tulppo, University of Lapland: Regional development in EU’s cross-border cooperation – Case Interreg Nord programme
16.15–16.45 Alix Varnajot, University of Oulu: Some thoughts on Arctification in the European Arctic: insights from tourism
16.45–17.15 Kaarina Tervo-Kankare, University of Oulu: Sustainability as a tool for increasing resilience in Arctic tourism communities?
19.00 Dinner
Friday 30.9.2022
Linnanmaa, room: AT115A
10.00–11.30 Keynote lecture, Monica Tennberg, University of Lapland: Worlding the Arctic anew
Chair: Kaj Zimmerbauer, University of Oulu. Commentary: Juha Ridanpää, University of Oulu
11.30–12.40 Lunch
12.40–14.00 Keynote lecture, Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, UiT-The Arctic University of Norway/University of Akureyri: International order, Arctic order, Arctic borders: Barents and Bering Strait Regions
Chair: Juha Ridanpää, University of Oulu. Commentary: Kaj Zimmerbauer, University of Oulu
14.00–14.10 Break
14.10–15.00 Wrap up and discussion: The future of Arctic research
Chair: Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola, University of Oulu
The seminar is hosted by the Geography Research Unit of the University of Oulu and supported by the Arctic Researchers’ Network.
Registration to the seminar is now open and possible until 20 September 2022 through an online form available here:
Contact: Professor Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola, Postdoctoral researcher Satu Kivelä, e-mails: firstname.lastname(at)…