Brown Bag Seminar: Artificial and human agency - what’s the value of human autonomy?

As the impact of Artificial Intelligence grows across various aspects of our lives, it is important to understand human autonomy and its value and ask ourselves how much decision-making authority we wish to transfer from humans to machines. Join us on Thursday 21 March to learn more about how AI can both enhance and challenge human autonomy, and how this can be taken into consideration when developing and using AI. The speakers at this seminar are Dr Susanne Uusitalo from the Faculty of Humanities and Dr Ella Peltonen from the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.
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Event information


Thu 21.03.2024 11:00 - 12:00

Venue location

Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa campus & Zoom



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Dr Uusitalo will discuss human autonomy and the possibilities and challenges that AI can bring to it. Dr Peltonen will explain the joint decision-making process of humans and machines, especially in rapidly changing situations. She will also discuss how machines can be trained to better understand humans and how this can lead to more effective collaboration between humans and machines.

The seminar will take place on Thursday 21 March from 11 am to 12 pm at Tellus Stage on Linnanmaa campus. Lunch will be provided for those who register by Monday 18 February at 12 pm. The seminar will be in English.

If you cannot make it to the Linnanmaa campus, you can also participate via Zoom.

Dr Susanne Uusitalo is a Senior Researcher in the Ethics of AI, and the coordinator of Ethics Forum. Ethics Forum is part of the Hybrid Intelligence: Human-AI Co-evolution and Learning in Multi-realities (HI) research programme of the University of Oulu. Hybrid Intelligence aims to combine the strengths of both humans and machines in their co-evolutionary processes in productive, responsible, and ethical ways and generate AI-based solutions for fields such as education and nursing by integrating different excellence areas of the University of Oulu. Ethics Forum is a new venue for dealing with the ethical aspects of research with and in artificial and hybrid intelligence and will be held as bimonthly event series.

Dr Ella Peltonen is an Assistant Professor at the Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services (M3S) research unit. Her research focuses on pervasive everyday sensing, distributed machine learning in the edge-cloud continuum, and “from data to actions” including ubiquitous recommendation systems and sensing data analytics.

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The aim of the Brown Bag Seminars is to showcase University of Oulu’s research and to encourage knowledge-sharing and networking amongst our researchers. Once a month, we invite two of our researchers from different fields to talk about their research related to the same topic. Brown Bag Seminars are open to everyone - come learn something new and join in the conversation!

Last updated: 12.2.2024