Brown Bag seminar: Biodiversity – an issue for environmental and human health

Event information
Mon 29.05.2023 11:00 - 12:00
Venue location
Tellus Stage at Linnanmaa campus & Brella
The speakers in this seminar are Stefan Prost, Assistant Professor in Ecology and Genetics Unit contributing to Biodiverse Antropocenes profiling theme, and Justus Reunanen, Senior Research Fellow from the Research Unit of Translational Medicine working with Biocenter Oulu. Prost investigates for example the use of DNA based research methods in biodiversity monitoring and conservation genomics of endangered species. Reunanen’s research focuses on the role of the human microbiome in human health and the onset of medical conditions.
Please register here by 25 May.
We ask you to register to this seminar whether you participate remotely or on-site. In this seminar we will use event platform Brella for streaming, and you need to register to get the link. In Brella you can also network with colleagues interested in similar topics and visit virtual booths of University of Oulu's services as well as find the presentation slides. Lunch will be served to registered participants attending the event on campus.
In this spring’s Brown Bag seminars we introduce the research of the newly started researchers in the Biodiverse Anthropocenes profiling theme alongside interesting research topics from other disciplines in our university. Biodiverse Anthropocenes is an Academy of Finland funded research theme that focuses on investigating the biodiversity loss currently threatening multi-species well-being and planetary sustainability, and on generating future-oriented solutions both in the Arctic and around the planet.
In Brown Bag research seminars, the researchers of University of Oulu get to introduce their favorite subjects to a multidisciplinary audience and have discussions across scientific borders. Brown Bag seminars are open for everyone. Join us for some science and an interesting cross-disciplinary conversation!