Brown Bag Seminar: Bridging the gap from quantum computing theory to quantum software engineering

As Moore’s law predicting exponential growth of computing power of classical computing seems to be reaching its physical boundaries, we are about to leap into a new era of almost unimaginable computing power: the time of quantum computing. This revolutionary approach to computing holds great promise that could help in solving many of our time’s greatest problems as well as advance science and research. What can we already do with quantum computing and quantum software and what are the topical issues that need to be addressed? Where are we headed next?
Image of brown lunch paper bag and text "University of Oulu, Brown Bag research lunch seminar"

Event information


Thu 20.03.2025 11:00 - 12:00

Venue location

Stage, Tellus Linnanmaa & Zoom



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Welcome to the Brown Bag Seminar on Thu 20th of March to learn about the latest developments in quantum computing and quantum software engineering! The speakers of this seminar are Associate Professor Matti Silveri from the Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit working with the H2Future research programme and Associate Professor Arif Khan from the research unit for Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services.

Associate professor Silveri will talk about quantum computing and its use cases in material science and modeling.

Associate professor Khan will discuss issues in quantum software engineering such as bridging classical and quantum programming, quantum software architecture, and cybersecurity issues.

The seminar will take place on Thursday 20th of March from 11 am to 12 pm at Tellus Stage on Linnanmaa campus. Lunch will be provided for those who register by Monday 17th of March at 12 pm. The seminar will be in English.

If you cannot make it to the Linnanmaa campus, you can also participate via Zoom. If you participate via Zoom, you don’t need to register for the event.

Note UniOGS Doctoral Researchers: You can add Brown Bag Seminars in your personal learning plan and once you have attended 10 Brown Bag Seminars, you can get 0,5 credits of doctoral studies.

Last updated: 19.2.2025