Burning Questions 2022

Event information
Mon 24.01.2022 - Fri 28.01.2022
Venue location
Students, teachers, researchers, community members: We invite you to join us in student-led workshops!
Burning Questions is a student-led initiative that aims to collect and propose the questions of actors in education from around the world and collaborate to find solutions and push the boundaries of what is known and understood about education. We aim to do this through student-led online workshops.
We also want to make the event sustainable for both event organizers and participants by spreading the workshops over one week, January 24th-28th, where participants can choose the workshops to join. The event is an opportunity for anyone who is passionate about education to have dialogue across hierarchical barriers. By using online format we wish to offer a more globally accessible shared space and invite critical and meaningful North-SouthEast-West dialogue.
The BQ event is now being organized for the fourth time. We will delve into various themes that arise from workshop development by students. We are looking forward to our workshops with topics such as future education and technology, mental wellbeing, space utilization and learning, intercultural skills in schools, value conflicts in education, and integration of refugee students and the role of arts in the process.
So please join us online and be involved in the change happening at Burning Questions 2022.
Registration closes on Friday 21st of January, 22:00 (GMT+2, Time in Helsinki, Finland).
If you have questions, please email us at burningqoulu@gmail.com.
More information
- Website: https://www.burningq.com/
- Facebook: Burning Questions
- Instagram: burninqoulu
- LinkedIn: Burning Questions