Circular economy in mines: repurposing of mines

The event will bring together actors working in the field of reuse in mines to share their experiences on different forms of reuse and reuse opportunities in the regions. Through case studies, we will learn about the transformation of mining sites into industrial parks, research and development environments, educational environments, tourism and cultural heritage sites, and underground laboratories for science. We will also have the opportunity to visit Lake Pyhäjärvi Callio, which aims at a comprehensive reuse of the mining environment.
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Event information



Venue location

On Tuesday University of Oulu, Linnanmaa campus and on Wednesday Pyhäsalmi mine and Pyhäjärvi Callio

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The event is aimed at people involved in mine reuse, decision-makers and other interested parties.
The first day's programme will take place at the Linnanmaa campus in Oulu. It will be possible to participate both on-site and remotely. Participation requires registration.

The second day's programme will include a physical visit to Pyhäsalmi mine, Pyhäjärvi. The number of participants is limited to 20. Participation requires registration.


Tuesday 12.9.2023

8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 10:00 Introduction to the theme and topic
Repurposing of mines as part of a circular economy approach to built infrastructure

10:00 - 12:20 Repurposing mining environments - examples from Finland and around the world - host Jari Joutsenvaara

10:00 Business hub - Estonian Industrial Symbiosis Agropark, (EISAP), Estonia - Nele Rogenbaum
10:20 Industrial heritage and tourism - Wieliczka Salt mine, (UNESCO site), Poland- Monika Dziobek-Motyka
10:40 Research and Development - Hagerbach Test-Gallery, Switzerland- CEO Michael Kompatscher
11:00 Education - Reiche Zeche educational mine, Germany- Professor Helmut Mischo, Scientific Director of the Research and Lecturing Mine Reiche Zeche
11:20 Science - Boulby Underground Laboratory, England- Director, Professor Sean Paling, Boulby Underground Laboratory
11:40 Underground agriculture - Review of projects in US and Canada- Adjunct Professor, John Warbick, University of Windsor, Canada
12:00 Pyhäjärven Callio - Repurposing case in Finland- CDO Sakari Nokela, Pyhäjärven Callio

12:20 - 16:00 Possibilities for repurposing and Thematic workshop

Wednesday 13.9.2023 (20 seats only)
Excursion to Pyhäjärvi, Pyhäsalmi mine, Pyhäjärvi Callio (ask more information from Jari Joutsenvaara)

07:30 Departure from Oulu
10:00 Arrival at Pyhäjärvi, Pyhäsalmi mine
- Pyhäsalmi mine
- Pyhäjärvi Callio
- Pyhäsalmi Pumped Water Storage
- Callio Lab R&D&I
15:30 Departure from Pyhäjärvi
17:30 at Oulunsalo airport
18:00 Arrival to Oulu

The event is organised by the Kerttu Saalasti Institute, Research Group for Regional Excellence, University of Oulu.

Registration is open until 8 September using this form.

More information:
Jari Joutsenvaara, project manager, University of Oulu, Kerttu Saalasti Instituutti
Regional Excellence Research Group
tel: 040 5569396

Last updated: 31.8.2023