Circular minerals - the rocky road from side streams to products

The mining industry has a significant role in the modern life style as consumption of commodities is growing and developed technologies require vast amount of minerals and metals.
Rocky road

Event information


Wed 02.11.2022 12:30 - 15:30

Venue location

University of Oulu, Backstage & Online

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Transition to green energy and development of low carbon societies are based on raw materials excavated from the mines. At the same time, the primary ore grades are becoming lower.

The solution to the availability of raw materials is searched from the mining waste. The residues from the mining and processing industry form a significant share of all Finland´s annual side streams.

Partners, VTT Technical Research Centre Finland, Geological Survey of Finland, University of Oulu and LUT University have joined forces to advance the circular economy of mineral side streams.

As an action point, the partners have launched the Circular Minerals Webinar Series to promote sustainability, information sharing, business aspects and for finding viable solutions to use mineral waste as secondary raw material. The previous events have addressed topics such as "Unlocking the full potential of circular minerals - From tailing to chemicals and materials" and "From tailings to future products".

How to turn side streams to the products? With this question the Webinar Series continues and organizes the event: "Circular minerals - the rocky road from side streams to the products".




Welcome coffee

12.45- 13.00

Opening words

Prof. Saija Luukkanen, Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu

Chairperson, Research Professor Päivi Kinnunen, VTT

See the video

13.00- 13.15

Tapojärvi on journey to become world´s leading circular economy company year 2035

Henri Pilventö, Chief Commercial Officer, Tapojärvi


The sustainable society – An opportunity for the mining industry?

Anders Sand, Research Manager, Boliden Mineral AB


Paving the road towards circularity with alkali activated materials - Case Betolar

Hassan Raad, R&D Director, Betolar Plc

See the video


Is circular economy progressing in construction – opportunities and challenges

Pekka Vuorinen, Director of Environment and Energy, Finnish Association of Construction Product Industries


Byproducts, waste and their commodification

Topi Turunen, Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Eastern Finland

See the video


Absorbers for the rocky road - research, innovation and collaboration

Sari Tasa, Senior Advicer, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland

Jutta Kaisanlahti, Leading Specialist, ELY-Centre, Lapland


Panel discussion

Adjunct Prof. Priyadharshini Perumal, the Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu, Finland

Research Prof. Tommi Kauppila, Geological Survey of Finland

Prof. Antti Häkkinen, LUT School of Engineering Science, Finland

See the video


Concluding words

Prof. Saija Luukkanen, Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu

See the video

Additional information

Prof. Saija Luukkanen

Head of Oulu Mining School

Last updated: 24.1.2023