Citizen Science Week

Citizen Science Week is a new initiative designed to engage the residents of Oulu - across all ages and backgrounds - in the essential task of biodiversity data collection. This collective effort is important for addressing many of today's pressing environmental challenges. Throughout the week, you can join various activities to expand and share knowledge, gain new experiences, and contribute to a deeper understanding of nature at both local and global levels.

Event information



Venue location

Several locations around Oulu



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  • The event is free of charge and open to everyone!
  • For some activities, registration is required (see below).

The language of the event is English.
We invite you to join Citizen Science Week through a variety of activities:

Bioblitz events. Participate in two Bioblitz events where you will learn about various plants, animals and fungi while contributing to biodiversity mapping around the University of Oulu campuses and the Oulu River. It is a fun and educational way to connect with nature and your community.

Course and workshop. Join our Critical Citizen Science course and an iNaturalist workshop, where you will learn how to easily identify various species using your smartphone and modern digital tools. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced nature enthusiast, you will find something new to learn.

Special lecture on bird ringing. Attend a special lecture on bird ringing, where you will learn the importance of this practice in biodiversity studies. You will also discover how you can get involved and become an expert in the field.

Please, register for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies in advance to help us plan the catering!


Monday, September 16

12:00-13:30: Opening Ceremony (zoom link)
Location: Hybrid (Tellus Stage, University of Oulu Linnanmaa Campus + Zoom)

At the opening ceremony we will present the program of Citizen Science Week and introduce different activities that you can join. Please, register for the Opening Ceremony by September 12 via this link.

13:30-14:30: iNaturalist Workshop
Location: Tellus Galaxy, University of Oulu Linnanmaa Campus

As autumn paints our forests and urban landscapes with vibrant colours, you might find yourself curious about the plants and animals around you. During Citizen Science Week, we invite you to join our iNaturalist workshop where we will introduce you to the iNaturalist platform. Whether you are new to it or just looking to refresh your skills, we will guide you through the app and website, showing you how easy it is to explore and identify the species around you.

By taking photos of plants and animals that catch your interest and uploading them to iNaturalist, you will be able to quickly identify a wide range of organisms. Additionally, by using this tool and participating in our upcoming "University-Biodiversity" and "Home River, Oulujoki" Bioblitz events, you will contribute valuable data to the study and documentation of local biodiversity. Your observations will help biologists, city planners, and nature enthusiasts – and you might even win some exciting prizes!

Monday, September 16 - Friday, September 20

All Day: University-Biodiversity Bioblitz
Location: Independent participation around University of Oulu campuses (Linnanmaa, Kontinkangas, and Botanical Gardens)

Have you ever wondered how many different species of plants and animals live around our university campus? If you are curious and eager to find out, join our University-Biodiversity Bioblitz, where we will gather our efforts to explore, count, and document the species that inhabit the environment of the University of Oulu.

You can report observations at your own time and pace during September 16-20. Participants who report the most observations and document the highest number of species at each unit will receive special prizes, perfect for those who love learning and exploring!

To participate, simply join the relevant iNaturalist projects and start collecting biodiversity data!

Collect data about biodiversity within the Linnanmaa campus

Collect data about biodiversity within the Kontinkangas campus

Collect data about biodiversity within the Botanical Garden of the University of Oulu

Thursday, September 19

13:00-16:00: Critical Citizen Science Course – Day 1
Location: Agora AT119, University of Oulu Linnanmaa Campus

“Critical Citizen Science” is a PhD course by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences that will explore new smartphone technologies and online species repositories have made it easier for people to record the biodiversity around them while also impacting our relationship to the wider world and posing new questions on the quality of the data that this technology provides. This course seeks to explore the role these new applications and websites are having on scholarship while comparing them to traditional approaches for identifying species. The course will include half a day of lectures (open to all) and a full day excursion to Oulunsalo Varjakka and Hailuoto for pre-registered participants.

Friday, September 20

09:00-16:00: Critical Citizen Science Course – Day 2 (for pre-registered participants)
Location: Field excursion to Hailuoto via Varjakka

During the second day of the course, we will have a full day excursion to Oulunsalo Varjakka and Hailuoto for pre-registered participants.

10:00-12:00: Bird Ringing Lecture
Location: Online via Zoom

Have you ever wondered how scientists track bird migration, monitor populations, and study bird behavior with bird ringing? Join us online for a special lecture by Jari Valkama from the Ringing Center to discover the purpose of bird ringing and learn how you can become a ringer yourself! We will also provide guidance about the training, exams, and practical experience needed to become a licensed ringer. The lecture will also cover the ethical considerations involved in bird ringing, and specific techniques used in monitoring birds of prey in Finland.

Saturday, September 21

13:00-16:00: Home River Bioblitz (Oulujoki)
Location: Ainola park

Bioblitzes are a way to connect people to their environments and at the same time to generate useful data for science and conservation. The Home River Bioblitz focuses on the biodiversity in and around rivers, which are at the heart of all ecosystems. The event connects the stories of people that protect, restore and celebrate these valuable places. During the Home River Bioblitz at river Oulujoki, we will join the global initiative (more about the global event here) to explore our local river together with peers, friends and family, thereby enlarging local networks of people that care about rivers. We identify the observed species with help of the global iNaturalist community. The bioblitz at the river Oulujoki is currently the most northern Bioblitz event in the world!

Monday, September 23

16:00-17:30: Closing Ceremony (zoom link)
Location: Hybrid (Botanical Gardens of the University of Oulu + Zoom)

Join us for the Closing Ceremony to sum up the Citizen Science Week, award prizes to the winners of the University-Biodiversity Bioblitz, and enjoy some delicious snacks and drinks at the beautiful venue of the Botanical Gardens. You are welcome to explore the greenhouses after the event. Please, register for the Closing Ceremony by September 19 via this link.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact both of us via email:

Ekaterina.Karabanina(a) and Mykyta.Peregrym(a)

Last updated: 13.9.2024