Design for diversity and inclusion

In this course doctoral researchers will learn to understand the basics of Human-Computer Interaction in relation to accessibility, inclusion, and universality

Event information



Venue location

Linnanmaa, Tellus

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Do you sometimes feel that this world is not built for you?

Our world is designed under the assumption that there is an average user, customer, patient, student. This leaves most of us struggling with average buildings, services, products that fit no one. This “average” does not need to be transferred in the digital environment. Through our past mistakes, we can learn how we can design a digital society to be more accessible and more aware of its inaccessibility which recognizes and addresses gradually.

Diversity is not just about disability! It includes gender, language, culture, and our physical and mental abilities that can vary from person to person or even from day to day in the same person.

This 1 credit course (27 hours of in and off classwork) will support you on:

  • understanding the basics of Human-Computer Interaction in relation to accessibility, inclusion, and universality
  • understanding the different notions on diversity and its relation to gender, health, and disability
  • apply empathetic design methods and understand their limitations

More details on the course will come at the beginning of February.

Who can participate?

The course is designed for Ph.D. students, however Master’s students who are interested in the subject can also participate.

  • We can accept 20 people · You can register
  • Registration is not obligatory but registered people are prioritised and accepted in a first come first serve basis.

Where and when will the course take place?

7-8.03. 2022 On Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th of March at 9.30-16.00 At Tellus, Linnanmaa

Contact person: Prof. Minna Isomursu, minna.isomursu(at)

Extensive schedule and precise location will be known at the beginning of February

Who is giving the course:

Vasiliki Mylonopoulou (Vaso) is a Marie Skłodowska Curie alumnus. She has worked on designing social features in technology supporting health behaviour change. Since 2019, she is working at the university of Gothenburg in the division of Human-Computer Interaction. Currently she is a senior lecturer and teaches interaction design focused on health and wellbeing from the perspective of diversity. Her research has turn toward health knowledge dissemination, and attitude change specifically toward invisible conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, or mental health issues. More about Vasiliki you can find at

Last updated: 25.1.2022