Doctoral course - Advanced Raman spectroscopy
Event information
Mon 13.05.2024 10:00 - Wed 22.05.2024 00:00
In this short course, the students will gain an understanding of the underlying physical principles of Raman spectroscopy as well as of state-of-the-art developments for which research is carried out locally and nationally. The students will also learn about the instrumentation and practical use of Raman spectroscope via several demonstrations and project work.
ECTS-credits: 1-1.5
Content: Lectures 10h and demonstrations 2h (0.5 ECTS), project work 12-24h (0.5-1 ECTS)
Lectures and demonstrations (always TS134 10-12):
1-2 (13.5) Fundamentals of vibrations, semi-classical treatment of Raman spectroscopy (Hannu-Pekka Komsa)
3-4 (14.5) Overview of different variants, quantum mechanical treatment (Hannu-Pekka Komsa)
5-6 (15.5) Raman instrument + Portable Raman demonstration (Harri Juttula)
7-8 (16.5) Surface-enhanced Raman (Jianan Huang)
9-10 (21.5) Coherent Raman, stimulated Raman, and data analysis (Teemu Tomberg from qCSI)
11-12 (22.5) Time-gated, time-resolved Raman + demonstration (Ilkka Nissinen)
Project: A project work is required to pass the course. The students can do project work using the portable Raman located in OPEM lab. Training for the use of the device will be given by OPEM personnel. If well-motivated, it may be possible to measure surface-enhanced Raman on plasmonic substrate. Alternatively, for students familiar with density-functional theory simulations, the project work can involve simulations of Raman spectra. The students are encouraged to think of a project topic ahead of the course.
Assessment: Lecture attendance and project work (pass/fail)
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the fundamental physical concepts behind Raman scattering
- Understand the basic building blocks of the instrument
- Obtain a wider view of the different variants of Raman spectroscopy and their field of application
- Learn how to carry out measurements in practice and how to analyze the results