Doctoral course - Human-computer Interaction: Toward an inclusive digital society

Event information
Thu 02.03.2023 - Mon 06.03.2023
Date of the course
2.3.2023, 3.3.2023, 6.3.2023
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Senior Lecturer (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
27 hours (12 lecturing/seminar, 12 practice/workshop, supervision/support 3h)
Amount of exercise hours:
15 hours reading and video material
12 hours after the course assignment
Attendance and assignment (Pass/Fail)
ECTS -credits
2 credits (1ECTS=27 hours course + 1ECTS= 27 hours reading, video, assignment)
Registration by 24th of February 2023
to Anna Sachinopoulou (anna.sachinopoulou(at)
Background reading and preparatory material can be found in this link.
Short Bio of the lecturer
Vasiliki Mylonopoulou is a Marie Skłodowska Curie alumnus. She has worked on designing social features in technology supporting health behaviour change. Her Ph.D. thesis resulted in a design tool that can be used by practitioners in designing health and wellbeing technology that includes social aspects. She is passionate about designing and evaluating technology to support better people's diverse needs. Vasiliki is interested in matters related to invisible conditions and specifically to mental health and developmental learning disorders in adulthood such as work integration, awareness, and policies. In 2019, Vasiliki got the Equality and Diversity award from the University of Oulu and since then she initiates and organizes the event: A Different Way of Working and Studying.
Currently, she is a visiting scholar at the University of Oulu and she works as a senior lecturer at the University of Goteborg, Sweden, in the newly found division of Human-Computer Interaction in the Applied IT department. She conducted her post-doc as part of the project Digital Seniors which focuses to create design tools for designing technology for our older selves (casual technology users). She is part of the More Stamina app science team, which aims to support people experiencing multiple sclerosis to manage their energy.
Program of the course:
Day 1 Basics of Human-Computer Interaction
9.00 - 10.00 Introductions
10.00 - 12.00 Lecturing/seminar
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 15.00 Design workshop
15.00 - 16.00 Presentations and summing up
16.00 – 17.00 Mingle – space for cooperation
Day 2 Matters of diversity, and inclusion in design of digital technologies for health and wellbeing
9.00 – 10.00 Reflection of day 1
10.00- 12.00 Lecturing/seminar
13.00-15.00 Design workshop
15.00- 16.00 Discussion and summing up
16.00 – 17.00 Mingle – space for cooperation
Day 3 Inclusion in data and its impact on digital technologies for health and wellbeing
9.00 – 10.00 Reflection of day 2
10.00- 12.00 Lecturing/seminar
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-15.00 Lecturing/seminar
15.00- 16.00 Discussion and summing up instructions for the assignment
16.00 – 17.00 Mingle – space for cooperation
In days 2 and 3 we will open the course for participants from the industry, so they can interact with the Ph.D. students and open opportunities for collaboration. This will be implemented in collaboration with the Innovation Center the Oulu University. As the industry involvement is voluntary there is no guarantee that there will be industry representatives.