Doctoral course - Interdisciplinary Systems Thinking

Event information
Tue 06.02.2024 09:15 - Fri 22.03.2024 14:00
Venue location
Linnanmaa campus
Course information in the Study Guide of the University of Oulu
Study Guide of the University of Oulu:
Course code: DP00AR41-3001
University of Oulu doctoral researchers in Peppi.
Other interested doctoral researchers: mirjami.jutila(at)
Learning outcomes:
The course shows how the different disciplines are converging towards similar generic system models called archetypes although the terminology is often different. The course breaks barriers between the disciplines and therefore improves our creativity in our daily work so that we can collaborate in an interdisciplinary team to solve the most complex problems of our time.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
-appreciate the importance of systems thinking
-know the history of systems thinking
-understand generic system models called system archetypes
-understand the limits of human knowledge
-Classification of systems
-Fundamental properties of systems
-Sciencies and theories
-History and vision
-Summary and conclusions
-Bibliography and references
Study Methods
- Face-to-face (80% attendance to gain credits)
Course book
Open access textbook M. Ramage and H. Shipp, Systems Thinkers, 2nd ed. London: Springer, 2020.
More detailed instructions for completing the course and instructions for operating in the Moodle
As a pre-assignment, the participants must read selected parts from the course book before each lecture. Pre-assignment related to each lecture is open a week before the lectures in Moodle. Post-assignment is available straight after each lecture in Moodle.
Teaching is implemented as contact teaching for 29 h (80% attendance).
Final assignment: Online exam, available 23.3 in Moodle
The course is communicated through the Moodle course space and email. Sign in here to Moodle.
The course completion period is 6.2.-15.4.2024
Final lecture is given 22.3. Final exam opens 22.3 and needs to be delivered by 15.4.2024 through Moodle.
Lecture times:
6.2. at 9.15-12.00 in IT115 Wetterisali - Introduction to the course / All professors are present for the beginning.
9.2. at 12.15-15.00 in TS101 -Lecturer Mika Aaltonen: Complex Adaptive Systems as a Cognitive Framework
13.2 at 12.15-15.00 in AT115B - Lecturer Aarne Mämmelä: Fundamental propertiers of systems & Sciences and Theories
16.2 at 12.15-15.00 in AT115B - Lecturer Aarne Mämmelä: Interdisciplinary Systems Thinking / History and Vision, Summary
20.2 at 12.15-15.00 in AT115B - Lecturer: Heikki Helanterä / Evolutionary biology and systems thinking
23.2 at 12.15-14.00 in AT115A - Lecturer: Nønne Prisle / Aerosols, climate and people
27.2 at 12.15-14.00 in AT115B- Lecturer Mikko Sillanpää / Bayesian hierarchical modeling
1.3 at 12.15-14.00 in AT115A - Lecturer: Kalle Timperi / System Boundaries and Couplings
12.3 at 12.15-14.00 in AT115A - Lecturer: Enso Ikonen / Process control systems
15.3 at 12.15-14.00 in IT112 - Lecturer: Heikki Ailisto / Artificial Intelligence
19.3 at 12.15-14.00 in AT115A - Lecturer: Jonna Malmberg / Systems thinking in human learning
22.3 at 12.15-14.00 in AT115B - Lecturer Olli Silvén (+1) / Connecting the dots: systems thinking toward physical world AI applications
Assessment scale
Pass / Fail
Assessment criteria
Face-to-face (80% attendance to lectures to gain credits)
Approved final assignment