Doctoral course - Participatory design for digital health
Event information
Wed 04.10.2023 - Thu 05.10.2023
Venue location
Foodoo Garden - Kumina
October 4th 13-16 pm
October 5th 9-12 am
Location: Foodoo Garden - Kumina
The purpose of participatory design is to raise the voices of stakeholders and involve them in the process. It allows designers and researchers to understand how to address users' needs and wants, while simultaneously providing space to make sure their ideas are heard and put into practice. It is an approach especially needed when creating digital health solutions as target audiences need to be active and engaged for a solution to be effective.
Participants in this course will learn the principles of participatory design, how it can be applied in a healthcare context, and the challenges involved. The course will involve reading materials, contact learning with hands-on activities, and results presentations.
More information on the course to follow.
Short bio
Prof. Octavio Rivera Romero (software engineering perspective) is an Associate Professor and researcher at Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. Currently, he is a member of the “Participatory Health Informatics and Personalization” research group since 2017. His research focus is included in the connected health domain. He has broad experience in Human-Computer Interaction, User experience, User Centre Design, Persuasive Technologies, and User Modelling. He is also a member of the Sociedad Española de Informática y Salud (SEIS), of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), and the Reserch Ethical Committee of the Universidad de Sevilla. Link: