Election Carneval on Wednesday 15.3. at Linnanmaa campus

Welcome to the Students Election Carneval on Wednesday 15.3. OYY, OSAKO and O’Diako host an election carneval on the Linnanmaa campus from 10am to 6pm. There will be an election fair and a panel discussion, and students also get to vote in a mock election.

Event information


Wed 15.03.2023 10:00 - 18:00

Venue location

Linnanmaan kampus

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The Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY), The Student Union of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OSAKO) and The Student Union of Diaconia UAS (O’Diako) are holding a Student Election Carneval- event on wednesday 15th of March. The event takes place in Linnanmaa campus area – a central position for Oulu’s around 20 000 students. During the event students have a chance to get to know candidates and their themes in the Election Fair and hear the candidates takes on tough questions in the Election Panel. The organizations also hold a discussion event for all candidates where they have a chance to hear more about student organizations election themes and demands.

Student Election Fair from 10am to 2pm, University of Oulu, green lockers

Mock Election from 10am to 2pm, University of Oulu, green lockers

We are the youth, are we the future? – discussion from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, Oulu UAS, Business Corner

Student Election Panel from 4.30pm to 5.30pm in Oulu UAS, Business Corner

Read more on OYY´s webpage.

Last updated: 13.3.2023