Eudaimonia's Academic Cocktails
Eudaimonia organizes the first ever Academic Cocktails.

Event information
Wed 05.10.2022 16:30 - 19:00
Venue location
Stage / Tellus
Dear researchers of Eudaimonia,
Soon the very busy September is over, and the deadline of the Academy of Finland applications is in the past, too. In celebration of these matters, Eudaimonia organizes the first ever Academic Cocktails. This is a great occasion to meet other scholars and colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere.
Where: Tellus, Stage
When: Wednesday, 5 October, 16.30-19.00
Drinks, snacks, and live music will be provided. It’s enough just to turn up (as long as you register for catering purposes by 28 September):
Warmly welcome!
Last updated: 21.9.2022